The Amur region is the richest area of the country in terms of mineral production. Regarding natural resources potential, the Amur region takes the 13th place among other regions of the Russian Federation.

The Malaya Tynda river in the Zeyskiy district of the Amur region

General economic potential of the Amur region concerning mineral raw materials, exclusive of fresh, mineral and thermomineral water is estimated at more than 500 billion USD.

Over 60 kinds of mineral raw materials are known to be found in the Amur region. There are deposits and prospects of the following minerals:

  • placer and ore gold
  • silver
  • titanium
  • molybdenum
  • tungsten
  • copper
  • tin
  • polymetal
  • antimony
  • rare elements
  • bevey and bituminous coal
  • zeolites
  • parclay
  • cement raw material
  • apatite
  • black-lead
  • talcum
  • semi-precious
  • ornamental
  • facing stones and other mineral raw materials.

Less than 5 per cent of this potential is involved into the stream of commerce.

Map of the Amur region

The map of the Amur region

The top mineral product of the Amur region is gold: placer gold and ore gold. Gold has been mined for more than 130 years in the Amur region.

Thus, the potential for the gold mining industry development is enormous.

Our core assets are located in the Zeyskiy district of the Amur region where the infrastructure is well-developed. Almost all of our licensed areas have the potential for expansion and growth.

Group assets account for approximately 37 tonnes of placer gold.

Placer gold